5th CESTL Tentative Program
May 2, 2009 (Sat)
Chapel Lounge,
Long Island University, C.W.Post
May 2, 2009 (Sat)
Chapel Lounge,
Long Island University, C.W.Post
9:00am-9:10am Poster set-up Poster presenters
9:10am-9:20am Welcome address Dr. Kathryn Lusteg
Associate Dean, School of Education
9:20am-9:30am Introduction of CESTL Dr. Dengting Boyanton
9:30am-10:20am Keynote Address:
Passion to teach Dr. Mark Birchette, LIU, Brooklyn
10:20am-10:30am Break
PowerPoint Presentations
1 Behavior modifications for student’s with Asberger Syndrome in the classroom Cassie Ann Dunn2 How does school environment affect students’ behavior in the classroom? Yun Lee
3 “It was just a joke”: Impact of bullying on adolescents Andrea Garcia
4 Understanding the impact of the media and technology on adolescent behavior Eric Morris
5 What are the motivators and de-motivators of today's adolescents? Shannon Lehosky
6 Strategies for handling misbehavior effectively in an inclusion classroom Colette Squillante
7 Misbehavior: Why do children misbehave and how do parents influence the behavior? Scott Fialkoff
11:40am-12:00pm Break
12:00pm-12:50pm Invited panel: Teaching & learning from professors’ perspective
Dr. Arnold Dodge
(Assistant Professor of Leadership & Administration)
Dr. Lynn Cohen
(Assistant Professor of Special Education & Literacy)
Dr. Efleda Tolentino
(Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education)
Dr. Dengting Boyanton
(Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology)
12:50pm-2:00pm Poster Presentation
& Lunch Break Poster presenters
2:00pm-2:50pm Invited panel: Teaching & learning from K-12 students’ Perspective
Angelo Brussich (12th Grade)
Joanne Garcia (12th Grade)
Alexandra Rossland (11th Grade)
Christiana Dobra (11th Grade)
Joshua Tolentino (6th Grade)
2:50am-3:00pm Break & Entertainment: Irish Dance☺ Colette Squillante
8 Introducing three classroom behavior management approaches Donna Brody
9 The importance of behavior management in the classroom Cindy Sexton
10 Impact of negative peer relationships: A case study of Columbine and Virginia Tech Michelle Evangelista
11 Motivation: What dissuades high school students in the English classroom? Gillian Blitzer
12 Personality: how does it affect one’s learning? Kristyn Horn
13 Understanding students misbehavior: What, why, and how? Nicole La Rosa
14 How does classroom environment affect elementary school students’ learning? Christopher Lodise
15 Special kids: How do they behave in the regular classroom? Josh Korder
16 Where I am from and how I learn: The impact of race/ethnicity on learning Emanuel Messina
4:40pm-5:00pm Break & entertainment: Saw-playing Chelsea Winter
17 Why they don’t want to learn: Understanding adolescent motivation Sean O’Brien
18 What motivate today’s adolescents to learn? Ilyssa Adelman
19 Lost voice: Exploring gender bias in the adolescent classroom setting Dana LaRose
20 What are the dispositions towards literacy for males? Demitra Georgalas
21 Greater teacher, better learning? Examining the impact of great teachers on learning Jennifer Grenville
22 How to motivate students to learn: Importance of bringing pop culture to the classroom Brooke Rosenfeld
23 Do teachers have certain expectations for certain races/ethnicities in the classroom? Priscilla Alvarez
6:30pm-7:00pm Closing: Special Presentation Dr. Dengting Boyanton
Poster Presentations
May 2, 2009 (Sat)
24 Introducing effective classroom management strategies for novice teachers Ruth HenryMay 2, 2009 (Sat)
25 Popularity: How does students’ social rank affect their academics performance? Alyssa Katz
26 Are foreign students discriminated in the elementary classroom setting? Louiza Mark
27 How can teachers teacher based on students’ learning style thus to increase their confidence to learn? Scott Mines
28 Examining racial discrimination in the elementary classroom Marjorie Contessa
29 Bullying: How bad is it in the elementary classroom? Joseph Scauzillo
30 Behavior modifications for student’s with Asberger Syndrome in the classroom setting Cassie Ann Dunn
31 “I don’t want to talk about it!” The importance of understanding adolescent’s emotions and feelings Christine Bruckner
32 Gender bias: Do boys and girls really learn different in high school? Lindsay Springer
33 How does parental involvement affect adolescents’ motivation to learn? Matthew Montanino
34 Who am I and how do I learn? Understanding the role of identity in adolescents’ learning Daniel Barone
35 Does intelligence equal success? Elyse Capozza
36 Introducing effective methods to create a positive learning environment in the classroom Christopher Barone
37 Are you a nerd or a jock? Exploring the influence of identity on adolescents’ learning Thomas Brouillard
38 Testing: why should teachers make it fair and how? Leidy Leon
39 “This is not how I learn!” Importance of considering students’ learning styles when teaching a lesson Caroline Schipani
40 How to manage misbehavior effectively in the music classroom? Chelsea Winter
41 What can teachers do to create a positive learning environment in the kindergarten classroom? Chiu, Lu-Chun
42 What can PE teachers do to help students with different (e.g., aggressive) personalities? Peter Severin
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